132 – Alcohol Causes Cancer?

Back in 2025! The US Surgeon General released an announcement that consumption of alcohol can lead to cancer and recommends a potential warning statement be put on labels. The guys discuss if this is needed and if it would actually hurt sales.

Take a break from alcohol with Athletic Brewing.

Follow United We Drink on their social media channels.

6 comments on “132 – Alcohol Causes Cancer?

  1. Jim abbott says:

    Welcome back, fellas. My life once more has actually meaning. Thanks.
    Tim -you get a point for saying that you still sign checks with the year 1997. Which is spot on with what I was going to comment. What’s that they say about “great minds thinking” and all that rot?
    However, you lose 2 points for calling Buffalo Wild Wings “B-Dubs”. “B-Dubs” sounds Tinny, very Tinny. Not Woodsy at all (thank you Monty Pythons Flying Circus.)
    Kevin gets his being embarrassed for actors on the telley from me. Sorry son.
    Finally, no, Kevin IS NOT A ROBOT! However, he is a 1/3 Android.

  2. Jim abbott says:

    Speaking of words/names/terms that I am not in favor of, Kevin used the word “pot.” To my ears, that sounds silly and juvenile. Same thing for “weed” or “grass.” I do like “hemp”, but that is not really accurate. Thus. I use the word “cannabis.”
    If I use the word cannabis, to me, I don’t sound like I’m 19.
    I also don’t like the sound of “soda”. Very Tinny word. I call it soda. Much more Woodsy.

    1. Jim abbott says:

      Mike -and whenever I think of/hear the name, Diamond Dallas Paige (spelling?), I always think of Dr. D. David Schultz and at the same time Dr. Death Steve Williams.
      Obviously, it’s all them damn “D’s.”

  3. Jim abbott says:

    And as far as todays young people not drinking as much, I hate them sooo much! Kevin would get that. For anyone else, that’s a Homer Simpson reference.

  4. Jim abbott says:

    My dad (Kevin’s grandfather), always called cannabis; “Them damn weeds.” Not “That damn weed”, mind you. But, “Them damn weeds.

  5. Jim abbott says:

    Mike -great shout out to the past with the Minnesota North Stars. Both one of the best nicknames in the history of sport, and AND, they had the coolest looking uniforms. I absolutely, positively well remember the year, it was 1971 (wait, it was 1972…..no, 1971), CBS was the first US network to have a nationwide NHL television contract. The Red Wings traveled to the great north to play the North Stars. The North Stars (never ever just the “Stars”), had the likes of Cesar Maniago and Bill Goldsworthy. I can hear Tim Ryan’s voice on the call. Back then, seeing the local sports teams on national television was a BIG thing. ‘Course, back then, nickles had pictures of bumblebees on ’em. “Gimmie 5 bees for a quarter, I’d say.”

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