Catch Up with United We Drink

Mike, Kevin and Tim join up to discuss all things beer related, with evolved perspectives from their progressed careers in the industry.

United We Drink
United We Drink
134 - Shootin' the Shit with Mike Jurewicz

Our Episodes

136 - Growth

When a brewery sees growth there is a lot of money that has to go into scaling up operations. New equipment and employees are needed. You need to order more ingredients. The increase in sales can offset those costs eventually. But what happens if a sales channel closes? It can be tough to regain those...

135 - Tariffs

Tariffs are coming and they are going to impact breweries, distilleries, wineries and consumers. Mike, Kevin and Tim discuss the aspects of booze making that consumers might not know about and how the prices at retail are going to be affected. Get coffee delivered to your door with Trade. Follow United We Drink on their social media channels.TwitterInstagramFacebook

133 - Charities

It’s not uncommon for breweries to work with local charities to help raise money for certain causes. The guys discuss the pros and cons and things that make you think a bit more when dealing with charitable causes. Cook like a pro with Made In Cookware. Follow United We Drink on their social media channels.BlueSkyInstagramFacebookThreads

132 - Alcohol Causes Cancer?

Back in 2025! The US Surgeon General released an announcement that consumption of alcohol can lead to cancer and recommends a potential warning statement be put on labels. The guys discuss if this is needed and if it would actually hurt sales. Take a break from alcohol with Athletic Brewing. Follow United We Drink on their social media...

131 - Holiday Banter

It’s the final episode of 2024. The guys discuss holidays–including Tim’s disertation on Celebration–among many other things. Take a break from alcohol with Athletic Brewing. Follow United We Drink on their social media channels.BlueSkyInstagramFacebookThreads

130 - Give Thanks...Kinda

The holiday season is upon us. The guys give thanks to what they are thankful for. Maybe with a backhanded comment or two. Plus they offer up their must haves for their family Thanksgiving. Cook like a pro with Made In Cookware. Follow United We Drink on their social media channels.BlueSkyInstagramFacebookThreads

129 - Shootin' the Shit with Neil Witte

Neil Witte has literally written the book (or manual) on draft beer. Between his years at Boulevard/Duvel to the Cicerone Program and his own company, Craft Quality Solutions he knows how to design and manage proper draft systems. The guys welcome Neil on to talk about beer education, proper draft systems and his appearance on Bar Rescue. Get coffee...

128 - Tim's Mistakes

After missing the last episode, Tim is back to talk about his mistakes in the beer world. Take a break from alcohol with Athletic Brewing. Follow United We Drink on their social media channels.TwitterInstagramFacebook

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